World Solo Drumming Championship 2023 – closing date 22nd September 2023

The RSPBA are holding the World Solo Drumming Championship on Saturday the 21st October 2023 at the Glasgow Caledonian University, City Campus, Cowcaddens Rd, Glasgow G4 0BA.

Proudly Sponsored by

With Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Caledonian University providing support and the venue which has proved so popular with the competitors in the past.

You can enter the World Solo Snare Drumming and World Solo Tenor Drumming for both Adults and Juveniles competition prior to midnight on the 22nd September 2023 via the online entry form, please follow the link below.

Please ensure you complete the entry form and make payment of the required entry fee. Your entry will only be valid and entered into the draw on confirmation of the reciept of payment.

We look forward to welcoming you.

The following drummers subject to entering the event and paying the required entry fee will feature in the draw as pre-qualified for the RSPBA, Worlds Adult Solo Drumming Semi-Finals 2023.

WSD ChampionshipPlaceName
Intercontinental    1Derek Cooper
2Blair Beaton
3Eric MacNeill
4Alex Kuldell
Scottish1Kerr McQuillan
2Steven McWhirter
3Jake Joergensen
4Chloe Taylor
5Glen Creighton
6David Henderson
European1Steven Shedden
2Craig Brown
3Gavin Orr
4Cameron Lawson
5Greg Fullerton
6MacKenzie Forrest
British1Stephen Creighton
2Grant Cassidy
3Ryan King
4Aneal Tanguy
5Richard Black
6Alex Buchanan
UK1Gareth McLees
2William Glenholmes
3Fionn Murphy
4Matthew Cole
5Gavin McCrae
6Matthew Shaw
Pacific Rim1Blair Brown
2Robert Graham Jr
3Stephen Paynter
4Taylor Killoran

The Board of Directors

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