The 94th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The RSPBA

Notice to Members
The 94th AGM of The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association in pursuant of Article 42 will be held on Saturday 8th March 2025 at 11 am as a hybrid meeting.

The decision to proceed with a hybrid AGM has been agreed by the Board of Directors to allow as many Members as possible to participate.

Attendance of the AGM is open to the Band Secretary (Member) of a Band, or their Proxy, where the Membership Fees have been fully paid.

Members will have the option to attend the AGM in Person at The RSPBA headquarters or join the AGM as a participant on an online ZOOM meeting.

Bands who have yet to pay their fees for this year are still able to do so here

Please remember that if your Pipe Major or Secretary information needs to be updated you must complete the necessary form Pipe Major Change or Secretary Change here

The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association

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